Tuesday 29 January 2013

A new project for 2013

The latest eating disorders awareness project from the Purple Ribbon Campaign is the creation of several pamphlets and an e-book for teachers and other educators about eating disorders. As some of you may know, I (Emily, the founder) am a teacher (an unemployed one, but nonetheless still a teacher) who has been recovering from an eating disorder. Throughout my middle and high school years, I had many teachers who were accommodating and supportive as I tried to recover - and I had many more who were not.

I've done a considerable amount of research about what teachers can do in terms of eating disorder prevention, and what a teacher's role is when one of their students has or may have an eating disorder.

Over the next few days, I'll be creating a "for teachers" section on the webpage, with some tips for teachers on the following:

-how to recognize if one of your students may be dealing with an eating disorder
-what to do if you suspect that a student has an eating disorder
-how you can support a student who's going through treatment or is hospitalized

All of this information is currently condensed into two beautiful little pamphlets, which will be available for download very soon!

I'm also working on an e-book with some more extensive information, including a run-down on school-based prevention initiatives. That should be available within the next few weeks - it's a larger undertaking than anticipated.

If you are an educator, or if you have experience with recovering from an eating disorder while in school (or if you have anything else to say), please feel free to leave a comment.

Saturday 26 January 2013

New logo!

The campaign now has a new logo, created by Danielle Lehrman!

Now I need to figure out how to make the logo part of the webpage. 

Please stay tuned for fundraising and awareness projects for 2013!